Our Modules
- It can help you reach accreditation standards with their explanations.
- It can provide guidance on the steps to take to meet the standards.
- You can plan every step, create calendars, manage the calendar, communicate, record, organize meetings, vote, record meetings, documents and archives can be reported.
- The updated version of the self-evaluation report can be accessed at any time.
- A product file (participation documents, posters, project file, etc.) can be created for students.
- Self-evaluation can be done for each period.
- Mentor (Academic Advisor) can see the student's self-evaluations
- The Mentor can see the feedback the Tutor gave for the student.
- The mentor can give feedback for the student.
- Can define academic year, class and group (branch).
- All your courses and subjects can be added and used within a discipline-based and integrated education model. When adding subjects, they can be determined as Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Application/Practical training activity.
- The National Core Education Program will be available in the system, and an expanded training program can be created with additional titles. By matrixing the topics covered over the years with the EAP headings, the process of accessing the EAP headings can be reported.
- Program qualifications course learning outcome matrix can be easily made.
- By adding questions to the subject headings, high subject content validity can be achieved in the measurement and evaluation process.*
- *KEY and PYT are main modules, they can be added on other modules.
- Learning objectives of the subjects can be written and questions can be associated with these learning objectives.
- Can attach files and reference topics and learning objectives.
- By adding questions to the learning objectives, it can be ensured that the question bank is fully compatible with the curriculum.
- High content validity can be achieved during the measurement and evaluation process.
- Chance success can be reduced by using 5 different question types.
- Multiple choice,
- Multiple Choice (CORE),
- Fill in the Blank (Short answer),
- Pairing,
- Open Ended
- Photos, audio and video can be uploaded to the question stem and options, and reference information can be added to the questions.
- The exam can be taken via tablet or computer.
- Exam results and item analyzes can be ready immediately after the exam.
- Please contact us for detailed information about the module.
- The measurement and evaluation model can be defined in accordance with your regulations.
- As the exam results occur, the system can calculate the student's success score for the course, semester and year.
- Feedback forms can be created with different question types (Double-scale, Yes-No, Multiple Choice and Multiple Choice).
- Ready-made feedback forms for the context, source, process and outcomes (CIPP) of the program recommended in the accreditation standards can be used, and new forms can also be created.
- Feedback can be easily provided to trainers, exams, course/course committees and program evaluation for semesters.
- Qualifications can be determined according to internships / departments.
- ÇEP codes (PreT, T etc.) and quota number can be added to the qualifications.
- Your student can quickly notify his/her instructor of the practices he/she has done during the internship/internship.
- Your student can perform this process from their mobile phone, tablet and computer.
- The instructor can ensure that the student's report card is created by approving the notifications sent to him/her by the student.
- Instructors and students can easily follow the daily course schedule and exams from the system and access course contents.
- An automatic reminder email can be sent to instructors and students each week.
- The next day's lesson schedule can be sent to the instructor via SMS.
- The instructor can quickly take attendance of his course via QR code.
- Students can access their own attendance status, while administrators can view all attendance reports.
- Advisors can check the faculty courses, grades and previous education information of the student assigned to them through the system.
- The counselor can monitor the student's progress by referring him/her to a career and psychological counselor when necessary.
- Conversations between the advisor and the student can be recorded on the system.
- The advisor can direct his student to an elective course and approve the elective course.
- The advisor can view his student's transcript.
- You can create strategic goals and actions in line with the vision and mission of the faculty, and they can be easily monitored and evaluated.
- It can support the coordinated creation and implementation of the strategic plan.
- The opportunity to assign and follow people for strategic goals and related actions can be provided.
- When determining your goals and actions; The right strategies can be easily created by taking into account your SWOT analysis results, values and stakeholders.
- The dates you enter for indicators and actions can be viewed in the Strategic Plan Calendar.*
- Video and audio recording of the student
- Student's screen recording
- Set and edit exam duration
- Mixing questions and answers differently for each student
- Keeping exam logos
- Restriction of student entrance to the exam from a single IP address
- 5 different question types (Multiple choice, Multiple choice, Fill in the blank, Matching, Open ended)
- The recordings can be observed in full screen by selecting the student's name during the exam.
- After the exam is over, video recordings of any student can be accessed.
- In clinical practice, 360° evaluations and bedside visits, students can be evaluated in terms of social and technical competencies.
- The performance of your students during internship or internship processes,
- They can be evaluated objectively using checklists and feedback can be provided to support their development.
- It is possible to monitor and evaluate your students' professional practices, professional reasoning and decision processes.
- The student's social, clinical, reasoning and professional practice in a simulated environment
- Exams that can measure the skill almost realistically can be easily taken through the system.
- can be prepared.
- Included in the question are questions the student should ask the patient during anamnesis.
- by adding questions, physical examination findings, laboratory and imaging tests
- The exam can be made more comprehensive.
- Observers recorded and recorded students taking the exam in outpatient clinic rooms with cameras.
- monitor their movements on the computer in the observation room with the help of software.
- can watch.
- The student interacts with the simulated patient and notes the anamnesis in the software.
- can also be used based on laboratory, imaging and interventional examination results.
- can reach the patient and provide diagnosis/treatment recommendations.
- The instructor may review the student's performance if necessary or in case of objection.
- can monitor and clarify the evaluation.
- Please contact us for detailed information about the module.
Privileges that We Create
Accreditation Privileges
It helps you achieve your objectives and goals, continuous renewal and development targets, and supports student assessment, measurement and evaluation, and curriculum processes. You can plan, schedule, record, upload, archive, and report the activities you will undertake to meet the standards. With its extensive reporting feature, you can track the compliance status of accreditation standards.
Our Measurement and Evaluation Privileges
It allows you to automatically generate exam booklets, conduct exams in digital environments, instantly announce results without the need for optical readers after exams, and helps your question bank align perfectly with your curriculum by adding questions to meet your learning objectives.
Our Privileges in Education Management Scope
It allows you to identify all users in your school, authorize users with different functions, archive and provide feedback on students' simulation processes, and helps you observe your students' performance and professional interests during internships.
Our Privileges in Student Achievements Scope
It enables students to observe their exam results, control attendance rates, provide feedback on questions after exams, and helps them make an overall assessment by collecting their professional performance in a report card.
Check Out Our Promotion Video
Frequently Asked Questions
It provides services to primary, secondary, associate degree, undergraduate, specialization, and graduate education institutions, professional associations, and non-governmental organizations.
KEYPS is composed of an expert team that provides consultancy, education, software services, and expertise in the planning and implementation of organizational structures, the development and execution of strategic plans, the planning and execution of educational programs, the planning and management of educational resources, and accreditation.
- It is a web-based software.
- Accessible from all devices.
- Works without the need for any licensed software.
- Installation is done on the institution's own servers. A virtual server is sufficient.
- Can be integrated with different software (student affairs, LDAP, etc.).
KEYPS can contribute to the curriculum development process by offering customized solutions tailored to the needs of institutions. It provides consultancy services in areas such as setting educational objectives, creating content, teaching methods, and assessment strategies.
KEYPS provides support in areas such as compliance with accreditation standards, preparation of necessary documents, management of assessment processes, and strategies for continuous improvement.